Monday, August 27, 2012

A Handwritten Note

Our piano teacher has taken it back to the basics I'm talking about.

We had our first  piano recital to celebrate our first year of lessons. Our teacher only had three students so she had it at her house. Each child played their songs, they received a little Bach trophy (totally cute), and then had light refreshments.

This week we started lessons back up and she handed me a card. I opened it at home and it was the sweetest thank you card for our whole family just for coming to participate in the recital.

It made me wonder when I last took the time to write a note to someone to say thank you instead of just saying it. For birthdays and other events sure. But for an everyday thing like watching my kids or meeting someone new? Not in a long time.

That is exactly the kind of thing I want to do more of. I want people to know how much I appreciate the things they do for me.

I already have a list of people in mind who should be receiving a handwritten note from me.  How about you?

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